Can Varicose Veins Go Away on Their Own?

Woman using a mirror to look for varicose veins on her legs . Varicose vein removal in Los Angeles.

Since varicose veins can be a health issue just as much as a cosmetic issue, their presence is often unwelcomed. Your self-esteem is part of your overall health. If you have been seeing varicose veins appear over a number of years, or have recently been noticing them, it may get you to consider treatment. Is …


Are Varicose Veins Hereditary?

are varicose veins hereditary

You have probably seen varicose veins on a member of your family or have heard about them at some point of your life. But what exactly are they and what are the chances that they might develop on you? Varicose veins are dark blue veins that show more pigment through your skin due to the …