Am I Too Old to Treat Varicose Veins?

Am I Too Old to Treat Varicose Veins?

With a small number of exceptions, age is a state of mind. If you’re wondering whether you’re too old to have a varicose veins treatment in Beverly Hills, you should also wonder if you’re putting artificial limitations on yourself. They’re your legs, your arms. It is your body, and only you get to decide whether or not you want to address your varicose veins. So, are you too old to treat varicose veins?

Am I Too Old to Treat Varicose Veins? Addressing the Question of Age

Getting older doesn’t mean we have to stop enjoying life. Of course, we change and mature. At some point you may not care what other people think. You may even begin to see your varicose veins as just another part of your body. However, there’s no requirement to feel that way.

If you are self-conscious or making specific choices to avoid seeing your varicose veins, you shouldn’t hesitate to think about treatment. Regardless of age, you have to give yourself permission to love your body, and sometimes that requires a little more self-care than you bargained for.

The Cause of Varicose Veins

You’ve probably had them for a long time, but just in case you aren’t sure what causes them, let’s discuss it. Varicose veins are caused by weakened or damaged valves. This damage is usually caused by increased blood pressure. Once the damage is done, the valves fail to keep all blood pushing in the same upward direction. Gravity gets the best of them, and you have small amounts of blood pool, creating the bright purple spots you’re so familiar with.

Varicose veins have a number of risk factors, but some are more common than others. For instance, there’s a good chance that your varicose veins are genetic, especially if you first discovered them during pregnancy. However, you may also be more likely to develop varicose veins if sedentary, overweight, or a smoker. Although older women tend to be the most affected, varicose veins can certainly affect men as well.

Are They Dangerous?

For the most part, varicose veins are not painful or dangerous. There are some exceptions where varicose veins are painful, and those should be treated as soon as possible. They’re practically never dangerous, but you should be wary of maintaining proper blood flow through your legs. Sitting in one position for too long could make you vulnerable to deep vein thrombosis, which could easily become a life-threatening pulmonary embolism if the clot travels up into your lungs. Otherwise, varicose veins are almost entirely a cosmetic issue.

Receiving Treatment

If you’re just tired of seeing those purple, gnarled veins, there’s no shame in talking to your cardiovascular surgeon in Los Angeles. At Beverly Hills Vein Center, your doctor will discuss all of your options for treating your varicose veins as well as any risks that you need to consider.

Your treatment will typically begin with the Madyoon method, which uses a comprehensive doppler ultrasound to evaluate your veins and your circulation. This initial step helps to lay the groundwork for your treatment. Depending on what your ultrasound reveals your treatment will include one or more of the following treatments:

  • Radiofrequency vein ablation with the VNUS system
  • Varithena
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Microphlebectomy

The ultimate goal with these treatments is to essentially close off the defective veins. Without a place to pool, your body will push the blood through the functional deep vein system and back through the heart.

Maintaining Your Results

Treating your existing varicose veins does not mean that new ones can’t crop up in the future, so you’ll want to make sure you’re managing your circulatory health with a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and clothing/shoes that don’t restrict your circulation.