Month: October 2019

Does Working Out Help Spider Veins?

Man and woman stretching legs on run to see if working out helps spider veins

Over half of women are affected by spider veins and they affect twice as many women as men. Spider veins are small, red, purple, and blue vessels that twist and turn on your leg, chest, or face. Spider veins are easily visible through the skin. They can be caused by various factors, but that doesn’t …


This Diet Will Cleanse Your Arteries!

Food on a heart tray with stethoscope for artery cleanse diet

Everyone talks about how to address heart health, yet, in reality, the question really comes down to circulatory health. In limiting our focus to a single major organ at a time, we ignore their natural role as part of a much larger system. Arterial health, for example, is key to longevity and quality of life. …