What Does Alcohol Do to Your Veins?

featured image for article about what does alcohol do to your veins

Alcohol impacts the body in innumerable ways both physiologically and psychologically. The depth of these impacts varies wildly from person to person. But what does alcohol do to your veins? One thing that medical professionals have determined is that excessive alcohol use can increase your risk of developing some kind of vein disease. In particular, …


Can Your Leg Veins Cause Pain?

Can your leg veins cause pain.

Can leg veins cause pain? Varicose veins result from damaged valves that allow some blood to pool rather than flowing smoothly along the normal pathways. The damage and pooled blood gives these veins their enlarged and twisted appearance. Fortunately, many patients don’t suffer from any discomfort as a result of these veins. Their appearance may …


How to Feel Confident in Your Skin?

Feel confident in your skin

When our skin is acting up, many of us feel terribly visible. Being able to feel confident in your skin becomes almost impossible. It may be a large rash, a few really bad pimples, or even spider veins creeping down the back of your leg, but the result is the same. We are so aware …


How Do You Know if Varicose Veins are Dangerous?

are varicose veins dangerous

Varicose veins appear as twisted, enlarged veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. They may start near your feet and creep up to your thighs over time. Many people feel embarrassed by the appearance of bulging veins close to the skin. But, are varicose veins dangerous? The doctors at Beverly Hills Vein …


Are Varicose Veins Hereditary?

are varicose veins hereditary

You have probably seen varicose veins on a member of your family or have heard about them at some point of your life. But what exactly are they and what are the chances that they might develop on you? Varicose veins are dark blue veins that show more pigment through your skin due to the …