When Should You Consult a Vein Specialist?

When Should You Consult a Vein Specialist?

Most often its clear when you should go to a doctor. However, people are often unclear when they should see a doctor or specialist for vein pain or issues. Because your veins pay an integral role in your overall health, it’s important to know when to seek medical attention. Below you will find the most common signs that it is time to schedule an appointment with a vein specialist.


  1. Bulging and/or Blue or Purple Veins: Veins that turn blue or purple and/or bulge are a sign it’s time to see a specialist. These symptoms occur when there is swelling and irritation from your varicose veins. When this happens, your veins will develop a blood clot. A blood clot restricts blood from flowing through your veins and can lead to Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) if left untreated. DVT is a serious condition and it is vitally important to see a doctor once you notice your veins changing.
  2. Weak Legs After Standing: While a long day on your feet can make your legs feel weak, it could also be a sign of a larger issue with your veins. Varicose veins can make your legs feel weak and heavy and standing for long periods can aggravate the issue. While you should elevate your legs if you experience this, you also need to make an appointment with a vein specialist and get the issue checked out.
  3. Swelling: If only one of your legs swells (and the swelling goes down by the morning), it’s time to see a specialist. While swelling in your legs could have a number of causes, swelling only in one leg after you’ve begun your day is a good sign that there is a larger issue. They could be damaged and a visit to a specialist is important as a vein specialist will be able to diagnose and treat the issue.
  4. Skin Issues on Your Ankle: If you have dry, itchy skin or a rash near your ankle, it’s time to make an appointment with a vein specialist. Itchiness or a rash can be a sign that you have untreated vein issues. Your skin can provide a lot of information about your internal health. The rash and itchiness may be a sign of high blood pressure which can damage your veins. If blood is not moving back up to your heart, the issues in your veins will result in skin issues. If left untreated much worse things can occur, like a leg ulcer, which can be very painful and require extensive treatment.
  5. Leg Pain: If you have leg pain that makes it difficult to go through your daily activities, it’s time to see a specialist. Varicose veins can cause leg pain that is usually an aching or throbbing feeling. If the pain gets worse throughout the day there is likely an issue with your veins that will need to be diagnosed and treated as it could be damaged veins. While leg pain could be from a number of factors and may not be a major issue to worry about, it’s important that a medical professional determine that instead of just ignoring it.
  6. Lumps: A lump found in your leg may be due to a number of causes, but often it is related to a blood clot. A tender lump in your leg is a signal that you should head to a vein specialist. They will be able to diagnose and treat the issue as it could be a number of factors.
  7. Second Pregnancy: If you are currently pregnant, have been pregnant before, and had issues with your veins during your first pregnancy, it’s vital to seek medical attention immediately. Hormonal changes can cause varicose veins and pregnancy includes a lot of hormonal changes. In addition, pregnancy increases the amount of blood in a woman’s body as it is necessary to support the baby. This puts extra pressure on the mother’s veins which can lead to vein issues. If you are pregnant and think you may be having vein issues, contact a vein specialist as soon as possible.


Vein Experts in Beverly Hills 

If you are concerned and think you may have vein issues, contact the experts at Beverly Hills Vein Center. Dr. Madyoonand his team are the most trusted vein expertsas they are focused on diagnosing and treating patients as quickly and smoothly as possible. Patient comfort and care is their number one priority. Contact Dr. Madyoon today for an appointment!