Should I Worry About Spider Veins?

concept of woman without spider veins to worry about

Spider veins, also known as varicose or dark purple veins, are thin-looking veins that grow across your body. They are typically found on the legs, arms, back, and buttocks. Its shape and appearance resemble that of spider legs, giving them their unsightly name. While they aren’t dangerous and don’t usually cause any discomfort, they can …


Hidden Causes of Spider Veins

Doctor looking for hidden causes of spider veins

Spider veins are caused by weak or damaged valves. These valves are an important part of cardiovascular function. They essentially help your blood travel upward, through your legs, against the pull of gravity. When they’re functioning properly, they only allow blood to travel in one direction, preventing blood from succumbing to gravity and pooling in …


Why Are the Veins on My Legs so Visible?

Veins on my legs so visible.

It happens more often than you think. You’re trying on a new skirt, bathing suit, or shorts only to find yourself surprised by a number of oddly visible veins on your thighs. You may ask yourself: why are the veins on my legs so visible? These are typically varicose veins, and they affect about 30% …


Why are Spider Veins Itchy?

person sitting on bench scratching leg because of itchy spider veins

While spider veins are somewhat harmless, they can provide some unfortunate discomfort. Apart from not being the most aesthetically pleasing thing to look at on our bodies, they can also be quite itchy or cause a burning sensation. Why Do Spider Veins Occur? Spider veins are small blood vessels underneath the skin’s surface that form …